Statement on the processing of personal data of job applicants (recruitment privacy policy)

Who are we?

We are Beeinside s.r.o. with registered office at Štěpánská 13/537, Prague 2 , 120 00, ID No. 26491231, registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, file No. C 85580

Our contact details are: E-mail:

Phone: + 420 224 324 232

Who is the data controller?

If you are an applicant for employment with Beeinside s.r.o., the controller of your personal data is always the company that will be your employer (hereinafter referred to as "Company" or "Employer"). However, Beeinside s.r.o. will act as a controller in your case during the selection procedure (unless otherwise stated) and will also act as a processor.

Who is this information for?

This information is intended for:

  • Job applicants

(hereinafter collectively referred to as 'the applicant', unless specifically mentioned)

What personal data do we process about applicants?

For the purposes of the selection procedure, we process personal data to the following extent:

  • Address and identification data (name, surname, titles, date of birth, permanent address).
  • Contact details (telephone number, e-mail).
  • CV, motivation letter.
  • Test data - results and findings from tests taken as part of the recruitment process.
  • Work references - references from previous employers, including data resulting from their verification. (The applicant acknowledges that communication of work references authorises the Company to access such personal data)
  • Other information (e.g. interview findings or other information provided by the applicant).

Information that the applicant voluntarily chooses to share with the Company as part of the recruitment process - the scope of this set of personal data will be highly individual as it depends on which personal data the applicant chooses to disclose to the Company (Example: the Company does not require job applicants to send a photograph or disclose their birth number. However, it cannot be excluded that some applicants will send their photograph or birth number to the Company as part of their CV, for example).

Why do we process this data?

  • We process the data for the following purposes:

Selection procedure

  • Legal basis for processing:

We process personal data on the basis of the performance of an employment contract, the performance of a legal obligation, our legitimate interest, or on the basis of consent. The legal bases are in particular:

  • Obligations arising from the law (in particular the Labour Code, Employment Act, etc.).
  • Legitimate interest of the employer
  • Consent of the applicant

Purpose of processing personal data

Purpose of processing - Recruitment of candidates for new or vacant positions (Recruitment)

Recruitment for new or vacant positions (Recruitment)

Further description:

  • The Company is actively looking for people who could be new employees of the Company.
  • The Company needs to assess prospective colleagues to determine whether they have the education, experience, skills and personality required for the position.
  • The Company processes CVs and other data on the basis of the applicant's consent given to the recruiting agency; consent may also be obtained from such agency.
  • In the event that a candidate is unsuccessful in a selection process for a particular position and gives the Company consent to retain such data in the event that another position becomes available that may be of interest to the candidate, the Company will retain the candidate's CV and any other relevant information provided.
  • Retention of personal data of unsuccessful applicants for a period of 6 months for the purpose of a retrospective review of the outcome of the selection process following a complaint by an unsuccessful applicant.

Legal basis:

  • Obligations under the law
  • Protection of the Company's rights and legally protected interests.
  • The applicant's consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of keeping it in the database of applicants for future filling of positions (consent required).
  • Purpose of processing - Preparation of the employment contract, or changes to it in the course of employment.
  • Preparation of the employment contract or its amendment during the course of employment.

Further description:

  • The employment relationship is established by an employment contract, which must be in writing. The employment contract sets out the mutual rights and obligations. It may also be necessary to amend the contract during the employment relationship.

Legal basis:

  • Performance of a legal obligation, namely: a) the Labour Code
  • Performance of the employment contract

Does the applicant have to provide us with his/her personal data?

The provision of personal data is always voluntary. If the applicant refuses to provide us with personal data for processing purposes that have a legal basis for processing other than his/her consent, it will not be possible for him/her to become our applicant, as the provision of personal data for these purposes is a prerequisite for the conclusion of the contract.

How do we process applicants' personal data?

We process personal data on the basis of information we obtain directly from applicants, students on placement and our own applicants, as well as information generated in the course of our work activities. We also process the personal data of students on placement on the basis of information provided by the school with which we have an agreement to provide the placement.

The processing is carried out by authorised persons. The processing is carried out manually in paper form and by means of computer technology in compliance with all security principles for the management and processing of personal data. We keep applicants' personal data up-to-date and process it to the extent necessary for the performance of the rights and obligations arising from the employment contract.

How long do we keep personal data?

We process the personal data of job applicants for the duration of the selection procedure. An unsuccessful candidate may consent to the retention of his/her personal data (his/her CV) in case another similar position becomes available. We process applicants' personal data for the duration of the employment relationship. After the end of the employment relationship, only those personal data whose retention is necessary on the basis of legal regulations or our legitimate interest are retained. We keep student internship contracts for one year. After that period, personal data is shredded, deleted or anonymised.

Time limits for retention of personal data:

  • Processing of personal data on the basis of legitimate interest of the employer - 1 year
  • Personal data processed on the basis of consent is processed for 3 years.
  • In the event that the personal data is processed without the direct knowledge of the candidate (in particular manually added from specialized databases such as and the candidate does not show further interest in processing it within the selection procedure (e.g. through active communication via email, social networks, etc.), this personal data is only processed for a maximum of 14 days.

How do we keep applicants' personal data secure?

We have secured applicants' personal data using appropriate physical and electronic procedures to prevent unauthorised or accidental access to, alteration, destruction or loss of, unauthorised transfer of, unauthorised processing of, or other misuse of personal data.

In accordance with the Security Directive, personal data is under constant physical, electronic and procedural control. For the purpose of data protection, the so-called information security management system and the related organisational and technical security measures, including technical, organisational and personnel measures, are clearly defined. Control, technical and security procedures defined by law and internal regulations are implemented for maximum security. All persons who come into contact with personal data from their work position (or within the scope of their contractually assumed duties) are trained and bound by confidentiality obligations.

Who has access to applicants' personal data?

The Company does not, as a matter of principle, share your personal data with other data controllers unless they are obliged or authorised to do so by law or their legitimate interest or you have given your consent.

Your consent is not required for sharing personal data with data processors. We always carefully screen entities that are to become processors of personal data and ensure that they comply with appropriate technical and organisational security measures. Any entity that may become a processor of personal data that we manage for us in the course of its activities is subject to a written contract for the processing of personal data, and that processor is only entitled to handle personal data to the extent necessary for the performance of its task, for the purposes of its task and for the agreed period of time.

We may involve third parties - our suppliers - in some of our activities. Depending on the nature of the activity in question, your personal data may be processed by this supplier in its capacity as a processor or data controller.

We may be required by law to share your personal data without your consent with third parties (e.g. bailiffs, health insurance companies, employment offices, social security authorities, insolvency practitioners) for the purpose of fulfilling their obligations and, where applicable, enforcing decisions.

The processing of applicants' personal data by other processors is always carried out on the basis of a data processing agreement. Personal data are provided to processors and third parties only to the extent necessary and under the conditions set out in the legislation.

Processing of applicants' personal data abroad

Within the European Economic Area ("EEA"), a regime of free movement of personal data applies and the same rules apply to the processing of personal data as in the Czech Republic.

In some cases, it may happen that our suppliers process personal data in third countries (i.e. countries outside the EEA), but always in compliance with all legislative requirements.

What rights does the applicant have?

Each candidate has the right to access his/her personal data and the following information about:

  • The purpose of the processing.
  • The category of personal data concerned.
  • The recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed.
  • The intended period for which the personal data will be stored.
  • Any available information about the source of the personal data, unless obtained from the data subject.

If an applicant who becomes aware or believes that an employer is processing his or her personal data in breach of the law, he or she may:

  • Ask the employer for an explanation.
  • Request a restriction of the processing.
  • Request that the employer rectify, supplement or destroy the personal data.

If the applicant has given consent to the processing of his/her personal data, he/she may withdraw it at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal. Withdrawal of consent has no effect on our contractual relationship.

If the employer does not comply with the applicant's request, the applicant has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

If the applicant makes a request concerning the rights described in the previous points, we will inform him/her of the measures taken without undue delay, at the latest within one month of receipt of the request. This period may be extended by two months if necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests.

At the applicant's request, we will provide a copy of the personal data processed. If requests made by the applicant are manifestly unfounded or excessive (e.g. due to repetition), we will charge the applicant a fee equal to the administrative costs or refuse to grant the request in whole or in part.

In the case of a request made by an applicant, we may require the provision of further information or activities to verify the applicant's identity. The information will be provided to the applicant in electronic form unless they request otherwise.

How can a candidate contact us?

In connection with the exercise of their rights and in case of questions or information regarding the handling of personal data, the applicant may contact us:

Address for physical delivery: 12 Komornická Street, Prague 6, 160 00


Final provisions

The Privacy Policy is issued in writing and is available to all Applicants electronically. The original is kept in the HR department. It was made available to the Candidate on initial contact.

Interpretation of the Privacy Policy and related generally binding legal provisions will be given to Candidates by:

  • HR Department

Proposals for amendments or additions to the Privacy Policy shall be submitted to the HR Department. Amendments and additions to the Privacy Policy shall be adopted and issued in writing by the statutory body of the Company.

The Company shall notify Candidates of the issuance, amendment or repeal of the Privacy Policy well in advance of the effective date of issuance, amendment or repeal.

The Privacy Policy shall take effect on March 1, 2021.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I, the undersigned, hereby give my consent

Business name: Beeinside Ltd.

ID NO.: 29364973

Registered office: Štěpánská 13/537, Prague 2, 120 00

File No.: C 85580, registered at the Municipal Court in Prague

(hereinafter referred to as "Administrator" or "Company"),

to process the following personal data within the meaning of the EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR"):

Address and identification data (name, surname, titles, date of birth, permanent address).

Contact data (telephone number, e-mail).

CV, motivation letter.

Test data - results and findings from tests taken as part of the recruitment process.

Work references - references from previous employers, including verification data.

Other information (e.g. interview findings or other information provided by the applicant).

Information that the applicant voluntarily chooses to share with the Company as part of the recruitment process - the extent of this set of personal data will be highly individual as it depends on which personal data the applicant chooses to share with the Company (Example: the Company does not require job applicants to send a photograph or provide a birth number. However, it cannot be excluded that some applicants will send their photograph or birth number to the Company as part of their CV, for example).

("Personal Data")

On the basis of the recruitment process for the position in accordance with the Internal Regulation - Declaration on the Processing of Personal Data of Applicants (hereinafter referred to as the "Internal Regulation"), I have provided Personal Data to the Administrator for the purpose of:

Recruitment for new or vacant positions (Recruitment).

As part of the selection process, the Controller is entitled to process Personal Data on the basis of its legitimate interest (even without consent) for a period of 1 year.

The controller intends to process my Personal Data for the purpose of filling other positions advertised in the future, or directly replacing the successful candidate, for a longer period. This consent is granted for a period of 3 years. This consent may be extended.

I give my explicit consent to the above processing. I can withdraw my consent at any time, for example by sending an email or letter to the company's contact details:

Address for physical delivery: Štěpánská 13/537, Prague 2, 120 00


The processing of personal data is carried out exclusively by the Administrator. However, personal data may also be processed for the Controller by the following external Processors:

Software providers.

Possibly other providers and entities cooperating with the Administrator in the field of accounting and law.

I acknowledge that under the Data Protection Act I have the right to:

To withdraw my consent at any time.

To request information from the Controller about what personal data it processes.

To object to the processing.

Request access to this data from the Controller and have it updated or corrected.

Request the Controller to erase this personal data.

In case of doubt about compliance with the obligations related to the processing of personal data, contact the Controller or the Office for Personal Data Protection.

The data will not be transferred to third countries.


Ve společnosti BeeInside chápeme, že vaše potřeby v oblasti IT jsou jedinečné, a proto přizpůsobujeme naše služby tak, aby bez problémů splňovaly vaše specifické požadavky. Naším cílem je stát se vaším důvěryhodným partnerem v oblasti IT, který vám poskytne podporu potřebnou k dosažení vašich obchodních cílů a podpoře růstu vaší společnosti.

Pojďme se spojit

Jste připraveni vyzkoušet rozdíl BeeInside?

Pojďme prozkoumat, jak můžeme vaše zkušenosti se službami IT učinit bezproblémovějšími a příjemnějšími. Kliknutím na tlačítko vpravo se dozvíte více o našich službách a o tom, jak můžeme podpořit vaše konkrétní potřeby v oblasti IT.

Ve společnosti BeeInside chápeme, že vaše potřeby v oblasti IT jsou jedinečné, a proto přizpůsobujeme naše služby tak, aby bez problémů splňovaly vaše specifické požadavky. Naším cílem je stát se vaším důvěryhodným partnerem v oblasti IT, který vám poskytne podporu potřebnou k dosažení vašich obchodních cílů a podpoře růstu vaší společnosti.

Pojďme se spojit

Jste připraveni vyzkoušet rozdíl BeeInside?

Pojďme prozkoumat, jak můžeme vaše zkušenosti se službami IT učinit bezproblémovějšími a příjemnějšími. Kliknutím na tlačítko vpravo se dozvíte více o našich službách a o tom, jak můžeme podpořit vaše konkrétní potřeby v oblasti IT.